
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Joie de vivre 

Today, on the train, a married couple sat opposite me. What was interesting was that although I could tell that they were roughly the same age, there was a great difference in how old they looked. The man looked younger and more alive than his wife.

What was startling was that I realised that she had made herself look like that. Her face was pinched, her mouth drawn into that pursed disapproving shape and the lines on her face had come from years of frowning.

Her husband wasn't without concern on his face but he hadn't let it become his raison d'etre as his wife apparently had. In fact his concerns seemed to be mainly along the lines of "who is this old woman?"

I could have completely misread this, of course. She could have had years of illness and had been in great pain. Possibly but I doubt it.

What I realise from this is that I think how we look, how we feel and our quality of life, are all reflections on our outlook. It seems that if you enjoy life more then you'll get more out of it and perhaps more of it.

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