
Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Still writing 

Amazingly I am still writing. I'm up to 4000 words on Chapter One and have started on Chapter Two. I have set myself some rules:

  1. No reading on the train.
  2. No crossword on the train.
  3. Sleeping on the train is okay but unlikely to happen unless I am extremely pissed.
  4. Transcribe at weekends when I have been writing longhand.
  5. Do minor reviews where it leads to more words but DO NOT remove or revise large parts of text.
I'm not sure about letting people in the writing group review it yet. It is largely irrelevant what they say about what I am writing. I am clear where I want to go with it and will become clearer as I write it. Then I will go back and do a major revision.

The Psion 5 PDA I have procured may help a bit but interestingly I find I am writing faster in longhand!

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